
martes, 15 de febrero de 2011

We want to change the rules of the game in Mexico!

Calling for trade union rights in Mexico, UNI Global Union together with UNIA, IMF, ICEM, ITUC and IUF began a week of action this week by meeting with the Mexican Ambassador to the United Nations...

Calling for trade union rights in Mexico, UNI Global Union together with UNIA, IMF, ICEM, ITUC and IUF began a week of action this week by meeting with the Mexican Ambassador to the United Nations and holding a rally in Geneva, Switzerland.

In June 2009, call center workers at Telefonica/Atento Mexicana tried to escape a “protection contract” by joining the independent Mexican Telephone Workers’ Union (STRM). Call center workers who tried to vote for real representation in the July 2, 2010 ballot faced intimidation by thugs carrying brass knuckles.

UNI Global Union want to change the rules of the game in Mexico. We are demanding the Mexican government stop violating fundamental trade union rights and start complying with its own laws and international standards on human and trade union rights.

Our affiliates all around the globe - in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Korea, Kosovo, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom and the U.S. are calling on the Mexican government to respect trade union rights in a series of actions from 14 to 19 February 2011.

In Mexico itself, the independent trade union movement will be holding various actions across the country throughout the week to highlight the systematic abuse of trade union rights by the Mexican government.

You can follow the campaign on twitter with the hash tag #mexicoaction or you can also follow our General Secretary on twitter.

Click here if you want to follow the labour start campaign.
